2019 Killam Prize Ceremony

Outdoor shot of the Canadian Museum of Civilization
May 21, 2019 | Gatineau, QC
Canadian Museum of History

The Canada Council for the Arts Killam Prizes honour eminent scholars in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences and engineering. These outstanding scholars actively contribute to ground-breaking research and their advances have positive impacts on our lives.

We will be honouring 2019 winners at an award ceremony on Tuesday, May 21st at the Canadian Museum of History, where they each receive a $100,000 prize.

The Canada Council for the Arts and the Killam Trustees are proud to partner with Canadian Innovation Week and to welcome the Right Honourable David Johnston, 28th Governor General and Chair of the Rideau Hall Foundation, as Honorary Chair of the 2019 Killam Prize ceremony.

Find out more here.


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