Twitter Chat: What role does co-creation play in social innovation?

woman in forest sitting with smart phone
Nov 12, 2020 | Ottawa, ON K1Y 2C4

Join Future of Good, with the Rideau Hall Foundation and Canadian Innovation Space, on a Canadian Innovation Week special to explore co-creation and collaboration when it comes to social innovation.

Now more than ever, the world needs us to work together. To combine perspectives and experiences and expertise to come up with truly innovative solutions to the massive challenges communities are facing. But there’s a major roadblock: collaboration is antithetical to the mainstream definition of innovation. The way we think about innovation is often based on ideas of individual creativity, intellectual property, and ownership. But in order for communities to recover from the pandemic, we’ll need social innovators to collaborate far and wide — with each other and, especially, with the communities they’re working to serve. How does the definition of innovation need to change in order for this kind of collaboration to take place?



    • Thursday, November 12, 2020.
    • 10:0AM -11:00AM ET
    • Twitter @FutureofGood


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