National Arts Centre
The Rideau Hall Foundation is proud to co-host the 2019 Innovation Fair as a #CanadianInnovationWeek signature event!
Through internal and external partnerships, the 2019 Innovation Fair(s) aim to showcase innovations and everyday best practices focused on mindsets and behaviours that can help organizations and employees become more agile, inclusive, and equipped. Events will be taking place throughout the month of May and June. In the National Capital Region, the Innovation Fair will take place at the National Arts Centre on May 22, 2019.
Come join thousands of public servants in May and June to learn about how we can all contribute to a Public Service that is more agile, inclusive, and better equipped!
Download the full schedule here
Follow along at @Cdn_Innovation & @BeyondGC2020
For more information contact If-si@pco-bcp.gc.ca
Categories: Innovation Week, Key Events